Discover your cashews

'Curious about the journey of your cashews?'

Here you can discover your cashew from factory to supermarket.

Grown in Africa and Asia 
Cashews grow on trees in Africa and Asia, mainly on small plots or in the bush. After the yield, we source directly from local exporters, cooperative farmer unions or farmer groups.
We have also initiated new plantations ourselves: we have started tree plantations in 66 villages near our factory in India. Forty of these villages contain workers coming to our factory at Tuticorin. To establish a connection with all the villages and the workers, we will provide cashew trees and other plants. Our goal is for cashew plants to become a long-term additional source of income for inhabitants
Processed in Vietnam or India 
After being transported to our factories in Vietnam or India, we steam, shell, peel, grade and pack the cashews as raw kernels. To oversee the whole pre-processing, this all takes place in our own factories. We do not use sub-contracting, as this can lead to less transparency and a blurred vision of who does what type of work and where. Our single roof processing philosophy guarantees a decent income and safe working conditions for our employees with full control over food safety and quality. 
Shipped to Europe via the port of Rotterdam  
After an independent laboratory has checked the quality of the cashew kernels, they are shipped to the port of Rotterdam. From there, they are transported by road to our distribution centre in the Netherlands.
Roasted in local factories 
From the distribution centre, our cashews travel all over Europe. At local factories they are roasted to gold brown and vacuum packed into big bags to maintain the best quality and taste. From there, the cashews are divided into their final consumer bag or cup.
Displayed in your store 
To end their trip, the cashews are transported to the distribution centres and supermarket retailers. From there, they are delivered to your store for you to enjoy.

How we work to maintain a transparent production process

Shorter and traceable supply chains

Being transparent starts with knowing your suppliers of the raw materials. The raw cashew nuts we process are sourced from Africa and Asia. For us, it is crucial to know from where and from whom we are buying. By understanding our suppliers, we know exactly who’s dealing with our cashews and if they meet our standards in terms of values, reliability, the quality needs of the consumer.
We aim to source close to 90% of our raw cashew nuts directly from local exporters, cooperative farmer unions or farmer groups. We aim to have traceability back to the region where the raw cashew nuts are harvested.
Year on year, we work to increase the portion which can be traced back to the individual villages where the farmers live. In 2021, we aim to reach around 25% to be traceable back to the cooperatives.
To maintain our high integrity standard, we request our suppliers to sign our code of conduct underlining our core values. In addition, we audit our suppliers on financial procedures and ethical practices in order to improve the well-being of all involved in the process.

More income for farmers and families

Farmers in Africa and Asia grow various crops, but cashews provide an important part of their income. Supporting them with education and training on productivity and quality leads to better yield and a higher income. This makes a big difference for the families of many thousands of farmers.
We collaborate with ComCashew to support cooperatives on increasing the productivity and the quality of the raw cashew nuts. In the last years, 500.000+ smallholder farmers have received training.

Traceability and audits

Every step of the production process takes place under one roof in our own factories. This ‘single roof processing’ allows us to trace our cashews from the supermarkets back to the factories, while safeguarding the product quality, food safety and working conditions.